Kind Friends for Kidneys Campaign.
Problem Statement – World Kidney Month!
The month of March was commemorated globally as World Kidney Month and we at The United Foundation (TUF), in collaboration with HBS Hospital organised a series of events as part of the #KindFriendsForKidneys campaign to create awareness on the condition of Dialysis and its impact.
In India, 90% patients who suffer from kidney diseases are not able to afford the cost of treatment. Even though 70% of the patients actually start dialysis, resource limitations force about 2/3rd of them withdraw.
The number of deaths attributed to chronic kidney disease in India rose from 0.59 million to 1.18 million in 2016
The systematic review estimated that about 2/3rd of all patients with kidney failure died without receiving dialysis in 2010
According to a study, 60% of dialysis patients had to travel more than 50 km to access dialysis treatment and nearly a quarter lived more than 100km away from the facility
Every year about 2.2 lakh new patients of End Stage Renal Disease (chronic kidney disease) get added in India resulting in additional demand for 3.4 crore dialysis every year
India’s demand for dialysis treatment is growing at a rate of 31% compared to 6% in the US and 8% in the rest of the world as of 2016
The average monthly expenditure for patients is about Rs 3-4 lakhs annually.
Solution by TUF – The kind friends for kidneys campaign was initiated by TUF in partnership with HBS Hospital primarily for 2 reasons –
- Spread awareness about dialysis and its effects on patients.
The awareness campaign was aimed at various sections of the society like schools, colleges, corporates, etc. Dialysis is one of the core services of the hospital and the patients who come there are from the poorer sections of society. Tremendous support is provided to them thanks to the generous donors and well-wishers. However, there is a constant need to look at a larger support from the public on an ongoing basis. Our humble attempt through this campaign is to help foster a sense of empathy and kindness towards these patients and their families. Informative webinars are part of the campaign where experts talk about dialysis, its impact and prevention.
2. To raise funds to provide quality dialysis for a low cost to the under privileged and as per the need provide other support such as they are also supported with monthly ration, free ambulance, reimbursement for transport, children education, employment at the center and other such benefits intended to ease their burden.