

Covid relief – (Milap Campaign)

Purpose –

  • The city is rattled by the scary explosion of cases. Ever since the second wave of Coronavirus started the Mercy Helpline and Mercy Medical Initiatives like Oxygen Center, Covid-19 Deceased Burial Service, Mercy Plasma, etc have received an overwhelming amount of daily requests.
  • Provide covid relief to hospitals.
  • Send aid to districts in north Karnataka and strengthen their covid care centers.

Requirements –

  • We, at The United Foundation are striving to cater to the needs of most during these desperate times. Our office in Bengaluru is also one of the Oxygen Centers. Adding more Ambulances, Oxygen Cylinders, Oxygen Concentrators and increasing the support offered through the Mercy Helpline is critical today.

The impact –

  • Ambulance purchased
  • 95 Oxygen Cylinders worth rupees 12,00,000 have been purchased
  • sponsored Oxygen Cylinder Refills amounting to Rs. 1,50,000
  • 50 Oxygen Cylinder Regulators were procured amounting to Rs. 1,50,000.
  • 8 Concentrators costing upto Rs. 8,00,000 were purchased.
  • The ambulance fuel and maintenance has been promptly taken care by TUF amounting to Rs. 12,500 in the past month.
  • TUF has also allocated an amount of Rs. 5,00,000 towards covid bill clearance

Reference for campaigns page –

Feedings India’s campaigns page –