An experience comes when you get into it
From background work, to on field trips, the feelings we experienced were absolute bliss. The days spent packing and distributing the food provision kits to our brothers and sisters in absolute need, to make their Ramadan a comfortable one was truly a lifetime experience, Alhamdulillah. It was like the bubble we were in was popped and there we were, witnessing the life they spent. A life devoid of all luxuries, we enjoy on a daily basis. Despite being in so much pain they still had the warmest smiles.
Travelling from localities so far, every volunteer grabbed the opportunity Allah sent their way, to multiply their rewards this Ramadan and earn His pleasure. For every time we walked to their houses and handed out the food provision kits, the smiles on their faces made everything worthwhile, the duas they made for us caused our hearts to smile.While being in a state of fasting, despite the inconveniences faced, despite all the tiredness, not a single volunteer said a word of complain. Everyone worked tirelessly to the best of their ability.